आपका-अख्तर खान

हमें चाहने वाले मित्र

06 अप्रैल 2013

दोस्तों राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट ने हाल ही में न्यायिक अधिकारीयों की तबादला बनाई है

दोस्तों राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट ने हाल ही में न्यायिक अधिकारीयों की तबादला  बनाई है और इस तबादला निति के पहले कोटा के एक दर्जन से भी अधिकारीयों को हटा कर खाली  पर लगाया है राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट द्वारा लगे सभी न्यायिक अधिकारियों के तबादले और पोस्टिंग देख कर बताइए क्या इस निति के पालन में है या नहीं अगर निति के विरुद्ध ट्रांसफर हो तो प्लीज़ माननीय मुख्य्न्याय्धीश राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट को लिखे ताकि ट्रांसफर निति का पालन हो सके और प्रभावशाली अधिकारी मनचाहा पोस्टिंग प्राप्त नहीं कर सकें दुसरे अधिकारीयों को भी बहतर जगह पोस्टिंग मिल सके और उनके साथ भी न्याय हो सके ...अख्तर खान अकेला कोटा राजस्थान
Transfer/posting orders of judici
al officers shall ordinarily be
issued between 15
and 30
of April of each year on the
recommendation of the Administrative Committee to be
constituted by the Hon'ble Chief Justice
(2) Judicial Officers on completion of a term become due for
transfer may represent to the High Court in first fortnight of
January of each year for their posting to a preferred place
indicating at least three options
in the order of preference
consistent with transfer policy for consideration by the
administrative committee while proposing transfer of such
(3) For the purpose of transfer
& posting of Judicial Officers, it
may be divided into seven different zones constituted for
administrative purposes like Ajmer, Bharatpur, Bikaner,
Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota & Udaipur.
Categorization of places / officers/courts
Category A Category B Category C Category D
Divisional Hqrs. District Hqrs Sub-
Head Quarter
Panchayat Etc.
Note :- Normal term of
an officer at one place of
posting may be of Three
years but in no case less
than two years.
(4) All fresh recruits initially
should be posted at Divisional
(Category A) or District headquarters (Category B) for a
period of three years and afte
r completion of their first term
after appointment, there should
be a compulsory posting at
Tehsil/Gram Panchayat/Sub-Division (CategoryC/D), at least
for a period of three years.
(5) An officer ordinarily may not be posted in A category
places/offices/courts for more
than twelve years; in B
category places/ offices/ courts
for more than 9 years; and at
C & D category places / offices
/courts, for six years during
whole span of his service.
(6) Request of a judicial offi
cer for transfer/posting on the
ground of serious ailment of se
lf or his/her spouse or parents
or child, subject to productio
n of adequate proof thereabout,
may be as far as possible, considered for his/her posting
at a district/divisional head qu
arters, where treatment facility
of such disease is available. However, in making such
request, the officer may indicate options of minimum three
such places.
(7) Where both the spouse are serv
ing as Judicial Officer may be
as far as possible, posted at same place or within district or
nearer place of posting of each other.
(8) After completion of two terms
in one zone, a judicial officer
has to be transferred to another
zone at a distance of 200 kms
and shall not be posted in the
former zone again unless one
has completed at least two terms viz. six years of service in
other zones.
(9) If a judicial officer has remained posted at Tehsil/Gram
Panchayat Hqr in earlier term
may be posted at the district
headquarter but thereafter the Of
ficer has to serve one term at
the sub-divisional Hqr
and thereafter at Divisional Hqr or the
place where services of the
officer are required by the
Judicial Officers in Super
Time Scale shall normally be
posted at Divisional Head Quarters; however, may also be
posted at district head quarter
in the district having 30 or
more courts in total or in a Special Court or Tribunal or
Board of Revenue or on deput
ation with the Government or
statutory Board or Corporation or Authority.
(11)Judicial Officer posted at a particular place, shall not be
normally posted at the same pl
ace again regardless of change
of cadre unless having completed atleast three terms
Judicial Officer on deputatio
n either with the Central/State
Government or any statutory Bo
ard/ Corporation or Authority
or posted with the Registry of
the High Court, may continue
in such posting for one term and thereafter be required to
serve minimum two terms on a judicial post before being
transferred to another non judicial post.
Judicial Officer left with less than one year of service while
attaining age of superannuation, shall not be disturbed or may
get the posting nearby home district as far as possible.
Request of transfer/posting of a judicial officer on the
ground of wife/husband being
in Government service may be
consistent with this policy.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

दोस्तों, कुछ गिले-शिकवे और कुछ सुझाव भी देते जाओ. जनाब! मेरा यह ब्लॉग आप सभी भाईयों का अपना ब्लॉग है. इसमें आपका स्वागत है. इसकी गलतियों (दोषों व कमियों) को सुधारने के लिए मेहरबानी करके मुझे सुझाव दें. मैं आपका आभारी रहूँगा. अख्तर खान "अकेला" कोटा(राजस्थान)

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